One cannot fully fathom the nature of Galus Mitzrayim without first understanding a gematriah of the Sfas Emes which states מצרים adds up to מספר which means a number. The galus in and geulah from Mitzrayim is replete with allusions to numbers. The number of times in the Torah by which Yetzias Mitzrayim is mentioned reaches fifty corresponding to the fifty levels of tumah, the fifty gates of Binah, and the fifty days of Sefirah towards Matan Torah which culminated Yetzias Mitzrayim by Yisrael receiving the Torah.
At the beginning of the Sefer Shmos, Bnei Yisrael are counted again. Rashi explains that Hashem was demonstrating His love for Bnei Yisrael similar to the stars as it says מונה מספר לכוכבים. The number of Yidden who descended to Mitzrayim was exactly seventy souls corresponding to the Seventy Nations of the gentiles. Also at the beginning of Shmos on the passuk וישרצו, Rashi brings the Chazal that states that each Jewish mother in Mitzrayim gave birth to sextuplets and therefore the number of Yisrael quickly multiplied to 600,000 men over twenty years old.
There were a set number of 400 years decreed at the Bris Bein Habasarim that Am Yisrael had to undergo bondage to Mitzrayim. The actual bondage was only for 210 the gematriah of רדו (Bereishis 42,2). Mitzrayim was smitten with Ten Plagues corresponding to the Ten Maamaros by which the world was created. On the staff of Moshe by which he brought about the Makkos was inscribed the acronym דצך עדש באחב the Ten Plagues. With the kollel the gematriah of the Ten Plagues equals 502 the number of years the Avos lived. This relationship is to tell us that Am Yisrael were protected from the Plagues because of the merit of our Avos Hakadoshim. After Moshe Rabbeinu visited Pharaoh demanding in Hashem's name to let Am Yisrael be freed from slavery, Pharaoh decreed that Yisrael will be penalized from now on that they must go and gather their own straw and still come up with the same number of bricks that they produced with the straw being gathered for them. During the Makkah of Choshech 4/5 of Klal Yisrael perished.
The Night of the Seder also is replete with significant numbers. This is alluded to in the mitzvah of סיפור יציאת מצרים the relating of the story of leaving Mitzrayim. The word סיפור is also in the root word מספר number. There is a menu to follow of 15 rituals to perform which is gematria יה. There are four cups of wine to be drunk corresponding to the Four Leshonos of geulah and our Four Imahos, four questions of the Ma Nishtanah that correspond to the Four Sons, three matzos corresponding to our Three Avos, six symbolic foods set on the Seder Plate, the singing of Echad Mi Yodaiah which we mention numbers from one to thirteen and to what they correspond, and the recital of Chad Gadaya one goat and its symbolic meaning. After reciting the Haggadah there is a custom to say Shir Hashirim which contains 117 pessukim which is connected to the beginning of the Maggid הא לחמא עניא די אכלו אהבתנא בארעא דמצרים whose acronym is also 117. Also this hints to the number of 117 years of bondage which began after Levi, the last of the Shevatim died, according to the sefer Seder Olam.
What is so significant of these numbers that they become our pivotal focus in the galus and geulah of Mitzrayim?
All matter is composed of atoms. Every atom possesses a unique number of protons, neutrons, and electrons that give each element its nature. An atom of one element can be distinguished from an atom of another element by the number of protons in its nucleus. Scientists are therefore always interested in this number, and how this number differs between different elements. The number of protons in an atom is called its atomic number.
We see from the above that all matter and elements are identified by their unique numbers. However this science is part of secular knowledge which really stems and is an offshoot from the Torah and Chazal. Our emunah states that the creation of the world came through the Ten Sayings of Hashem and the Aleph Beis. Each letter of the Aleph Beis is different and possesses a number value. The combination of these letters forming words and gematrios are the real building blocks of matter that preceded the atoms and gave birth to them. This was the אופן (method) of creation. Even in the word אופן , we can see the English equivalent of the Chemistry letters Electrons Protons Neutrons.
Chazal say Avraham saw a בירה דולקת ושאל מי בעל הבירה , a world that was running with alacrity in circles and he asked to whom are they are all running? Hashem then appeared to Avraham and said I am the owner of the Castle and they are running to return to Me. Avraham's vision on creation was his ability to pierce through the many veils of nature and understand that even past these atoms that give matter its structure, there is a spiritual force who created and sustained this hidden energy. It was Hashem who responded that the בירה has a beginning symbolized by the letter א referring to the אלופו של עולם , and that אלף must be placed in the בירה transforming it to בריאה, which brings about the consciousness that Hashem is the sustainer of all matters through the conduit of letters and their numerical value of the Torah.
A number system is only as good as its creator. The word number possesses the word numb in its first four letters. Our culture replaces people with numbers and statistics. We are identified and judged today not by middos, personality, virtue and values but rather by our numbers such as phone, credit card, social security, census, percentage calories, weight, IQ, membership, scores etc. Humans can never be replaced for they have a soul. If you are looked upon as just a number, the message to you is you're expendable. Having the self - identity of merely a mixed cocktail of numbers, strips one from his uniqueness and numbs one's spiritual identity of being created in the image of Hashem. This loss of self - recognition makes one oblivious to the holy mission for which he was put on earth.
In contrast Hashem's number system in creating all existent matter, is based in the Holy Aleph Beis which is rooted in the deep infinite wisdom of Hashem. It is therefore that one has the ability to elevate the physical and mundane of this world and reconnect it to its origin of holiness, Hashem Himself. On Shabbos one can experience the oneness of creation not its disparity, its harmony not its discord, its wholesomeness not its fragmentation, its light not its darkness. There are 27 letters in the Aleph Beis. Each one is sustained by the name of הויה which is the source of creation. 27x26 is gematriah .שבת
Pesach is called Shabbos ממחרת השבת תספרו חמישים יום . Sefiras Haomer begins on the second day of Pesach. Yetzias Mitzrayim was the realization that the numbers found in creation are Heavenly Made and not man's invention. The Ten Makkos in Mitzrayim corresponded to the Ten Sayings of Creation. Each plague removed another veil of nature revealing that it is Hashem who designs, creates, and sustains all matter and elements by a higher number system than the Man Made one. Therefore, every bit of matter matters. It is not happenstance but rather intentional and deliberate in order for Man to recognize from it G-d, and praise Him for benefitting us with His kindness.
Mitzrayim is gematriah .מספרI came across an article that Historians believe it was that the Egyptians were the first ones to use numbers for measurements which gave them the know how to build Pyramids and lay the foundation for advanced concepts, such as in mathematics. Look where their Pyramid math brought them to, the enslavement and affliction of others and even at the cost of their deaths. Math is the English pronunciation of מת. It leads to the death of Mankind and its soul, only to be replaced with robots and computers which mechanically function by mathematical principles and algorithms.
In contrast to Mitzrayim the Torah also uses numbers but they are based on The Aleph Beis which is sourced by יהו' as we mentioned above. Yetzias Mitzrayim is the exodus from a culture which was debased and immoral which became spiritually numb and desensitized because of their number system which led to arrogance and the rejection of teshuvah even after being warned of proven punishment. This was to be replaced with the Aleph Beis Number System which brings shelaimus to Klal Yisrael and to Hashem's world. Everything in the galus and geulah of Mitzrayim is for the purpose of connecting all the numbers, atoms, and elements to their creator that led up to the Aseres Hadibros the grand revelation of Hashem without the cloak of nature the Asarah Maamaros concealing Him.
In conclusion, if Man espouses man made numbers, they will numb and steal from him the sanctity and fulfillment of life. If he complies with their lifestyle of a digit he will be reduced into a spiritual midget. Happy are those who adhere to a life of the Torah numbers to whom they fully belong. For it is they who will join together with Hashem's wondrous creation in praise and gratitude with an endless song. אחד אלקינו בשמים ובארץ